Here's to another crappy new year!
Thank you romans for inventing the calender. Loads of crap 2 face in this year.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
angels, 6 feet under
Today in Noida a place between UP and Delhi, A most shocking and outright sick incident took place. The local people and cops dug up skeletal and decomposed remains of 38 children. These children were kidnapped in Delhi and surrounding areas one year ago and were all bought to a house and sexually abused, killed, and were cut into pieces and then were buried in the backyard of that house. This is truly one of the most violent and ferocious acts of serial killings this country has ever witnessed. Aim fighting back my tears as I watch this news flash since afternoon. They were little boys and girls aged from 3 years to 11 years. Some sick and perverted man called Satish and mohinder, who owned the house, apparently lured children and kidnapped them. This was going on for over a year in that house. The bastard confessed to the crime and was arrested yesterday itself.
We all remember the story of ananth, for those who don’t, he’s the Son of the president of Adobe CEO, who was kidnapped 2 months ago or something. He was released in 2 days due to the pressure put by police and higher officials to save him. The police did their job efficiently and the culprit was found and arrested and they returned anath safely to his home and his worried parents. In two days, they found him. Surprised how the police got him so easily? I’ll tell how they did it. Our police has the potential to do so. And in this case they did because the kid belonged to a rich president of a s/w company. What about those missing 38 children or more. All of the same age as ananth or your kid sister or brother or your nephew? The parents complained to the police as soon as they went missing. No action was taken. No FIR (First Information Report) registered. Basically they didn’t give a shit what happened to all the kids. That bastard isn’t responsible for their murders entirely, it’s the authorities fault too. They didn’t care as most of the children’s parents were laborers, or below the poverty line. They don’t have any influence to get things done. Police were their only hope. I say whatever punishment the culprit gets (and I hope ever so much he gets the noose) the police and higher officials who were involved in their recklessness and inefficiency SHOULD SHARE THE PUNISHMENT.
Money is the DEAD RIGHT ANSWER. It’s simple. If you’re rich and powerful things will happen for you. In this country that’s how it works. People will wash your feet with rose water, they’ll be more than happy to wipe your ass with their face, and ANYTHING absolutely anything can be done if you have money. Hell if they could, the damn politicians would have sold this country to the highest bidder long ago. The Government is solely responsible for this act! I hate my government. Each term it’s the same thing. We elect a new party, a new government every term just to see whether they can make us a bigger fool than the previous government! THE SYSTEM SUCKS! Please STOP eating money and just think for once what you are doing? STOP FUCKING UP MY COUNTRY!
What scares me the most is that was just ONE house, in ONE colony in ONE city in ONE state. We have absolutely no idea about the hundreds of children burred deep in some backyard of a psychopath’s sick mansion of horror! Who knows? It could be your very own neighbor. Who’s to say? Just thinking about that makes me sick. Imagine what the parents could be going through.
If I were the judge in this case, I order him to be repeatedly raped by a deranged horny elephant 28 times and then cut him into pieces and bury him in his own backyard!
What did the children do to deserve such a ghastly death? They didn’t get to experience life. They were scapegoats just to satisfy one sick and twisted person. How inhuman can a human get? Sure, this news will get old in a week or a month. It'll be replaced by some model who had a wardrobe malfunction in a prestigious fashion show.Everybody forgets. Thats life.
Congratulations god, your children first learned to kill each other for money or power, now they have reached new heights by killing themselves just for the heck of it!
We all remember the story of ananth, for those who don’t, he’s the Son of the president of Adobe CEO, who was kidnapped 2 months ago or something. He was released in 2 days due to the pressure put by police and higher officials to save him. The police did their job efficiently and the culprit was found and arrested and they returned anath safely to his home and his worried parents. In two days, they found him. Surprised how the police got him so easily? I’ll tell how they did it. Our police has the potential to do so. And in this case they did because the kid belonged to a rich president of a s/w company. What about those missing 38 children or more. All of the same age as ananth or your kid sister or brother or your nephew? The parents complained to the police as soon as they went missing. No action was taken. No FIR (First Information Report) registered. Basically they didn’t give a shit what happened to all the kids. That bastard isn’t responsible for their murders entirely, it’s the authorities fault too. They didn’t care as most of the children’s parents were laborers, or below the poverty line. They don’t have any influence to get things done. Police were their only hope. I say whatever punishment the culprit gets (and I hope ever so much he gets the noose) the police and higher officials who were involved in their recklessness and inefficiency SHOULD SHARE THE PUNISHMENT.
Money is the DEAD RIGHT ANSWER. It’s simple. If you’re rich and powerful things will happen for you. In this country that’s how it works. People will wash your feet with rose water, they’ll be more than happy to wipe your ass with their face, and ANYTHING absolutely anything can be done if you have money. Hell if they could, the damn politicians would have sold this country to the highest bidder long ago. The Government is solely responsible for this act! I hate my government. Each term it’s the same thing. We elect a new party, a new government every term just to see whether they can make us a bigger fool than the previous government! THE SYSTEM SUCKS! Please STOP eating money and just think for once what you are doing? STOP FUCKING UP MY COUNTRY!
What scares me the most is that was just ONE house, in ONE colony in ONE city in ONE state. We have absolutely no idea about the hundreds of children burred deep in some backyard of a psychopath’s sick mansion of horror! Who knows? It could be your very own neighbor. Who’s to say? Just thinking about that makes me sick. Imagine what the parents could be going through.
If I were the judge in this case, I order him to be repeatedly raped by a deranged horny elephant 28 times and then cut him into pieces and bury him in his own backyard!
What did the children do to deserve such a ghastly death? They didn’t get to experience life. They were scapegoats just to satisfy one sick and twisted person. How inhuman can a human get? Sure, this news will get old in a week or a month. It'll be replaced by some model who had a wardrobe malfunction in a prestigious fashion show.Everybody forgets. Thats life.
Congratulations god, your children first learned to kill each other for money or power, now they have reached new heights by killing themselves just for the heck of it!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Caution: These facts have been obtained by constant observation of my life and others. You would agree with me as most of them are true. Some of these facts have also been borrowed/ copied or I just made them up. Either way they made me laugh, and I don’t care a damn if you read it somewhere else on a website. No one likes a smart ass!
1) No one dies a virgin. Life fucks everyone.
2) Most of the lecturers in Engg don’t know what they are teaching half the time. And the other half of the time, none of us are listening.
3) Don't work. Working is for suckers. Be a CEO if you can, they never do anything.
4) All children when they are 8 years old want to be astronauts and some weirdo’s want to be dentists.
5) 30% of all couples in Europe engage in wife swapping with their neighbors. No, not the fat couples the good looking ones.
6) Statistics show that 90%of all statistics are made up, including this one.
7) Hell is already on earth. It’s called Afghanistan. Satan is already on earth. He’s known as George Bush.
8) 50% of the Americans agree bush is a re- incarnation of Hitler.
9) We live in a country where sex is viewed as a taboo. Yet, right as I type this very sentence 10000 people are doing it right now. In case of china 20000 people are doing it!
10) TIBET will never be freed.
11) The Clown in Mc Donald’s “Ronald Mc Donald” is really sick with a dysfunctional liver syndrome due to excessive drinking and alcohol poising because of all the demonic children he served during the years. He’s expected to die in a week.
12) At 5 months old, any baby can float or rather swim in the water. They kick instinctively. At 56 years all politicians in India are richer than Michael Jackson.
13) Michael Jackson has 18 different noses in his wardrobe. One for winter, one for spring, and one for the Grammy awards so on……
14) At present India has 3 biggest problems.
(a) Population (b) Corruption (c) Laloo Prasad Yadaav
15) Smoking is injurious to your health. Farting is injurious to our health.
16) All the people in the world at some point in their lives search for the meaning of life. There is no meaning to life. That’s just a dumb question.
17) According to all the religious scriptures, since the dawn of man god has walked the earth at least 6, 87,527 times. You and I could be one of them.
18) The guy who played Barney the purple dinosaur was shot in the spine with a sawed off double barrel shotgun by a couple of punks who hated him.
19) According to my sources India and Pakistan have combined their forces and formed a special committee. Its only main and single purpose is to seek Ekta kapoor and kill her. ( for all of you who don’t know her, just see all the soaps your mom’s been watching from 6 to 10 in the night on star plus)
20) A scientific study showed that the human race will very well wipe itself out of existence in about 200 hundred years. I’ll give us 50 years tops now that they are making a sequel of kal ho na ho.
21) Newton amazingly came back to life for a couple of minutes yesterday and gave a press interview stating that all of his laws are totally crappy, unworthy, baseless and they don’t really work after watching rajnikanth and balakrishna do their stuff!
22) All students hate wars. Every time there’s a war there’s a new chapter in the history textbook. THANKS A *#$%^~ LOT BUSH!
23) North Korea hates South Korea, South Korea hates North Korea.
24) Most of the math professors in India are south Indians. All of them are Srinivasans.
25) The only way to become rich in a European country is to be either an actor, hubby/wife of a wealthy tycoon or sue some multi national corporation. In India the easiest way to richness is to be a politician, traffic cop, 2 grade mafia rowdy sheeter, or a fake swami claiming to have all the answers to life’s questions.
26) I Love My Country. I Hate my Government.
27) After the Constant Evolution of Species and Mammals, nature has finally produced us. The most intellectually intelligent, self thinking capable species of this planet. We are the best of the best nature has to offer. Yet we pee right beside the public toilets and listen to backstreet boys and we absolutely need to have 18 songs in every one of our movies.
28) The phrase “that’s hot” is officially trademarked by Paris Hilton. I didn’t know we could do that. Hence aim officially trade marking “That’s Bullshit”. Yup, it’s my sentence you can’t use it.
29) Most of the Indians as far I as I know believed that the right hand is for eating while the left hand is for washing your ass. There’s racial discrimination for you right there.
30) All watchmen in India are Nepalese. It’s like we have a whole country to supply us with watchmen. Thank you Nepal.
31) Integration and differentiation are the two most stupidest things in math. I never got them till now and aim in my 2nd year 2nd sem graduation. I am Simply amazed by how far I came without knowing them.
32) Out of the 3lakh students who write intermediate every year almost 2 lakh twenty thousand score above 93% in their intermediate percentage by by-hearting everything. You & I both know most of them will become either waiters or kidnappers. Why study?
33) All call centre employees hate their lives from all the abuse they have to deal with everyday and can only shut up and listen. I call airtel customer care once every week to take out all my hectic weeks frustration and anger on them.
34) Australia is actually was a place where the UK dumped all its convicts way back in 1890. So every Australian’s father or mother or grandparents were either murderers or supari killers.
35) Mel Gibson hates Jews. According to him dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago by Jews and not by a meteorite.
36) The most intelligent people on this planet are Indians and Japanese. The most boring people on this planet are citizens of Istanbul and Ukraine’s.
37) People will believe anything if you say Benjamin Franklin though of it first. Atleast Americans do.
38) Osama Bin Laden has 28 wives. You could be the 29th.
39) Don’t drink water, fish fucks in it.
40) Why is it called “after dark” when it really is “after light”?
41) According to string theory there’s one in a billion chance of traveling in another parallel universe by simply bumping yourself into a wall. You might just walk through it at once.
42) You know you’re a south Indian when u shout loudly on the phone when you get long distance calls. The farther the country the louder you scream.
43) Tamilians are everywhere. All around us.
44) If a tigers and lions belong to the same species of cats and they can mate creating hybrids then why cant humans and chimps that also come under “primates”, mate to create hybrids. Imagine what a hairy software geeks we could be. Wanna give it a try?
45) The term “life’s a Bitch” has been officially changed to “life’s a whore” since 2002.
46) Most people don’t know the following things.
(a) Tomato’s a fruit not a vegetable.
(b) If you’re living in medhipatnam your life’s a living hell
(c) You’re actually adopted, and you’re a Jamaican and your real name was chupacabra ranakundra.
47) The word “fuck” was first used by Marie curie when she discovered radium and later found out that she was exposed to radiation all this time since she discovered the damn thing. It was said something like this “OH FUCK! And all this time I used it as a chewing gum”
48) If you are born in Ireland and you were 14 years old, by now,18% of your body weight is pure alcohol.
49) In ancient china it’s was a custom to eat other people’s guts and vomits. No wonder Genghis Khan was a barbarian.
50) All blondes by birth are stupid. It’s not their fault. All Russians by birth are ugly. It’s not their fault. All Jamaicans are color blind. It’s their parents fault. All Japanese people have skin ailments and cancers. It’s the Americans fault for nuking them in Hiroshima. All French people are gay. It’s not their fault it’s their language. Most Americans are fat and lazy. It’s our fault, we do most of their work.1) No one dies a virgin. Life fucks everyone.
2) Most of the lecturers in Engg don’t know what they are teaching half the time. And the other half of the time, none of us are listening.
3) Don't work. Working is for suckers. Be a CEO if you can, they never do anything.
4) All children when they are 8 years old want to be astronauts and some weirdo’s want to be dentists.
5) 30% of all couples in Europe engage in wife swapping with their neighbors. No, not the fat couples the good looking ones.
6) Statistics show that 90%of all statistics are made up, including this one.
7) Hell is already on earth. It’s called Afghanistan. Satan is already on earth. He’s known as George Bush.
8) 50% of the Americans agree bush is a re- incarnation of Hitler.
9) We live in a country where sex is viewed as a taboo. Yet, right as I type this very sentence 10000 people are doing it right now. In case of china 20000 people are doing it!
10) TIBET will never be freed.
11) The Clown in Mc Donald’s “Ronald Mc Donald” is really sick with a dysfunctional liver syndrome due to excessive drinking and alcohol poising because of all the demonic children he served during the years. He’s expected to die in a week.
12) At 5 months old, any baby can float or rather swim in the water. They kick instinctively. At 56 years all politicians in India are richer than Michael Jackson.
13) Michael Jackson has 18 different noses in his wardrobe. One for winter, one for spring, and one for the Grammy awards so on……
14) At present India has 3 biggest problems.
(a) Population (b) Corruption (c) Laloo Prasad Yadaav
15) Smoking is injurious to your health. Farting is injurious to our health.
16) All the people in the world at some point in their lives search for the meaning of life. There is no meaning to life. That’s just a dumb question.
17) According to all the religious scriptures, since the dawn of man god has walked the earth at least 6, 87,527 times. You and I could be one of them.
18) The guy who played Barney the purple dinosaur was shot in the spine with a sawed off double barrel shotgun by a couple of punks who hated him.
19) According to my sources India and Pakistan have combined their forces and formed a special committee. Its only main and single purpose is to seek Ekta kapoor and kill her. ( for all of you who don’t know her, just see all the soaps your mom’s been watching from 6 to 10 in the night on star plus)
20) A scientific study showed that the human race will very well wipe itself out of existence in about 200 hundred years. I’ll give us 50 years tops now that they are making a sequel of kal ho na ho.
21) Newton amazingly came back to life for a couple of minutes yesterday and gave a press interview stating that all of his laws are totally crappy, unworthy, baseless and they don’t really work after watching rajnikanth and balakrishna do their stuff!
22) All students hate wars. Every time there’s a war there’s a new chapter in the history textbook. THANKS A *#$%^~ LOT BUSH!
23) North Korea hates South Korea, South Korea hates North Korea.
24) Most of the math professors in India are south Indians. All of them are Srinivasans.
25) The only way to become rich in a European country is to be either an actor, hubby/wife of a wealthy tycoon or sue some multi national corporation. In India the easiest way to richness is to be a politician, traffic cop, 2 grade mafia rowdy sheeter, or a fake swami claiming to have all the answers to life’s questions.
26) I Love My Country. I Hate my Government.
27) After the Constant Evolution of Species and Mammals, nature has finally produced us. The most intellectually intelligent, self thinking capable species of this planet. We are the best of the best nature has to offer. Yet we pee right beside the public toilets and listen to backstreet boys and we absolutely need to have 18 songs in every one of our movies.
28) The phrase “that’s hot” is officially trademarked by Paris Hilton. I didn’t know we could do that. Hence aim officially trade marking “That’s Bullshit”. Yup, it’s my sentence you can’t use it.
29) Most of the Indians as far I as I know believed that the right hand is for eating while the left hand is for washing your ass. There’s racial discrimination for you right there.
30) All watchmen in India are Nepalese. It’s like we have a whole country to supply us with watchmen. Thank you Nepal.
31) Integration and differentiation are the two most stupidest things in math. I never got them till now and aim in my 2nd year 2nd sem graduation. I am Simply amazed by how far I came without knowing them.
32) Out of the 3lakh students who write intermediate every year almost 2 lakh twenty thousand score above 93% in their intermediate percentage by by-hearting everything. You & I both know most of them will become either waiters or kidnappers. Why study?
33) All call centre employees hate their lives from all the abuse they have to deal with everyday and can only shut up and listen. I call airtel customer care once every week to take out all my hectic weeks frustration and anger on them.
34) Australia is actually was a place where the UK dumped all its convicts way back in 1890. So every Australian’s father or mother or grandparents were either murderers or supari killers.
35) Mel Gibson hates Jews. According to him dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago by Jews and not by a meteorite.
36) The most intelligent people on this planet are Indians and Japanese. The most boring people on this planet are citizens of Istanbul and Ukraine’s.
37) People will believe anything if you say Benjamin Franklin though of it first. Atleast Americans do.
38) Osama Bin Laden has 28 wives. You could be the 29th.
39) Don’t drink water, fish fucks in it.
40) Why is it called “after dark” when it really is “after light”?
41) According to string theory there’s one in a billion chance of traveling in another parallel universe by simply bumping yourself into a wall. You might just walk through it at once.
42) You know you’re a south Indian when u shout loudly on the phone when you get long distance calls. The farther the country the louder you scream.
43) Tamilians are everywhere. All around us.
44) If a tigers and lions belong to the same species of cats and they can mate creating hybrids then why cant humans and chimps that also come under “primates”, mate to create hybrids. Imagine what a hairy software geeks we could be. Wanna give it a try?
45) The term “life’s a Bitch” has been officially changed to “life’s a whore” since 2002.
46) Most people don’t know the following things.
(a) Tomato’s a fruit not a vegetable.
(b) If you’re living in medhipatnam your life’s a living hell
(c) You’re actually adopted, and you’re a Jamaican and your real name was chupacabra ranakundra.
47) The word “fuck” was first used by Marie curie when she discovered radium and later found out that she was exposed to radiation all this time since she discovered the damn thing. It was said something like this “OH FUCK! And all this time I used it as a chewing gum”
48) If you are born in Ireland and you were 14 years old, by now,18% of your body weight is pure alcohol.
49) In ancient china it’s was a custom to eat other people’s guts and vomits. No wonder Genghis Khan was a barbarian.
more to come inanother post.....
Thursday, December 21, 2006
roadtrip to ruins
It was like any other day I was just watchin tv on sat at 12 and all of a sudden its 3 in the evening and aim on my way to kurnool or nellore(really didn’t know where I was going till I got there, like I cared). Anywho the basic plan mom had some work and once that was done we gotta see the ruined old empire of vigaynagar samraj! Pretty good architectural skills I gotta say! Buliding extremely hard creations way on top of hills no one can reach! I didn’t quite understand the purpose of going through all that trouble. Krishna deva rai had like a palace for everything! I mean everything! One for taking a bath! One for drying yourself! One for eating! One for shitting! Sure,I mean its not like he built it himself! Thousands of people built it for him after being whipped on their spines forcing them to do it!
I enjoyed that one part, but what I hate about going on trips with my parents are they practically wanna visit every temple in the vicinity of 500 skms in one day! Get all the punyam you can get in a day offer or something! I hate that! I always hated that! Aren’t vacations all about kicking back and relaxing??
The real fun part was when we got to kurnool! There are only two means of entertainment there! One is to see cows and buffalos shit all around the road all over the place! That’s right! You heard me people pay good money to see domestic animals shitting everywhere! And coming to the other means of entertainment is porn movies! That’s right too! Porn movies! I was in the car just looking around and couldn’t help but laugh like crazy with the movie titles! For your better understanding I’ll write the name in telugu and translate in eng!
(1) E Ammaye ke 16e :
Translation : This girl’s only 16. And the ‘e’ after the 16 is for “only”! These guys should be arrested and beaten everyday with wrenches and potatoes, and should be made to spend half their life for making and watching underage porn. When will our people reliaze what’s illegal and what’s not! As if porn wasn’t enough now its underage porn! For all who are reading this please don’t entertain child pornography! Its sick, twisted and demeaning to all children!
(2) Andala Bhama :
Translation : Beautiful babe! Lik hell! Trust me! She’s not beautiful, and she’s definitely NOT a babe! What was the director thinking? NO no wait a sec, what was the censor board thinking? At this point I was practically falling out of the window laughing my head off!
(3) kaluthuna prema :
Translation : Burning Love! What in the hell is burning love?? She poured kerosene all over the guy and set him on fire or wut? 2 words eeew, groooos! This poster though really really made me puke and laugh simultaneously!
Well when I saw the next movie title ( not porn ) I knew it was time 2 die! Any guesses what it was?
RAKTHA SAMBHANDHAM!!!!!! I was like holy hell!! No way! The title it self suggested so much of crap encrypted in the movie!
At the outset my dad got sick of metallica, incubus and coldplay played over and over again!! For him its all noise! I succeeded in calling room service a thousand times and complaining about how the room sucks jus 4 fun! Dats my Christmas present to them! MERRY XMAS!
Reached home! Hungry, sick and miserable!
1) Dogs love to attempt suicide on national highways!
2) All stray dogs are dumb and stupid!
3) Cows absolutely LOVE 2 shit!
I enjoyed that one part, but what I hate about going on trips with my parents are they practically wanna visit every temple in the vicinity of 500 skms in one day! Get all the punyam you can get in a day offer or something! I hate that! I always hated that! Aren’t vacations all about kicking back and relaxing??
The real fun part was when we got to kurnool! There are only two means of entertainment there! One is to see cows and buffalos shit all around the road all over the place! That’s right! You heard me people pay good money to see domestic animals shitting everywhere! And coming to the other means of entertainment is porn movies! That’s right too! Porn movies! I was in the car just looking around and couldn’t help but laugh like crazy with the movie titles! For your better understanding I’ll write the name in telugu and translate in eng!
(1) E Ammaye ke 16e :
Translation : This girl’s only 16. And the ‘e’ after the 16 is for “only”! These guys should be arrested and beaten everyday with wrenches and potatoes, and should be made to spend half their life for making and watching underage porn. When will our people reliaze what’s illegal and what’s not! As if porn wasn’t enough now its underage porn! For all who are reading this please don’t entertain child pornography! Its sick, twisted and demeaning to all children!
(2) Andala Bhama :
Translation : Beautiful babe! Lik hell! Trust me! She’s not beautiful, and she’s definitely NOT a babe! What was the director thinking? NO no wait a sec, what was the censor board thinking? At this point I was practically falling out of the window laughing my head off!
(3) kaluthuna prema :
Translation : Burning Love! What in the hell is burning love?? She poured kerosene all over the guy and set him on fire or wut? 2 words eeew, groooos! This poster though really really made me puke and laugh simultaneously!
Well when I saw the next movie title ( not porn ) I knew it was time 2 die! Any guesses what it was?
RAKTHA SAMBHANDHAM!!!!!! I was like holy hell!! No way! The title it self suggested so much of crap encrypted in the movie!
At the outset my dad got sick of metallica, incubus and coldplay played over and over again!! For him its all noise! I succeeded in calling room service a thousand times and complaining about how the room sucks jus 4 fun! Dats my Christmas present to them! MERRY XMAS!
Reached home! Hungry, sick and miserable!
1) Dogs love to attempt suicide on national highways!
2) All stray dogs are dumb and stupid!
3) Cows absolutely LOVE 2 shit!

In a recent interview in CNN news channel there was this female right activist. She was screaming on top of her voice about about how equality should be established in every mode. Gender refernces should be equally distributed! I hope this will make people like her shut up!
Why do so many women insist on carrying out this war against men? Absolute gender equality isn't going to happen; we have gender equality now. Even if in a million years, men and women somehow made this unrealistic ideal happen, there will always be a sexual distinction between men and women causing some sort of inequality (if only on the level of basic physical needs). Or should I say women and men, as not to imply a male superiority? Why the hell should people go out of their way to be politically correct and use this "he/she" nonsense so a few chicks with language complexes won't be offended?
Who's to say what's offensive anyway? Just because a few feminist extremists think that something's offensive, does the whole society have to change their way of doing things? I don't want mother nature being called mother nature anymore, but rather father nature. I don't want ships to be referred to as female anymore, but rather male. The phrase "she's a good ship" offends me. I don't want liberty to be a lady. Why does it have to be lady liberty? Why do people say "she's beautiful" when referring to cars? Why not he? Who cares? It's just the way things have always been. It's not meant to be offensive, so why doesn't the offended party pull their head out of their ass, and stop bitching about it.
Feminism is in a lot of ways like fascism. Your average Fascist will disregard any scientific argument unless the conclusion supports his existing belief. The ideology comes first and the Fascist looks for anything to back it up, no matter how trivial, unreliable or discredited. Much like today's feminists and their ideology. Fascists attempt to rationalize their beliefs and portray them as truth by twisting the facts. A fascist might, for example, cast blame for unemployment and work discontent on immigrants "stealing" their jobs. Feminists similarly cast blame for women's lower average pay onto another party (men). Both feminists and fascists are quick to cast blame on someone else for anything that goes wrong in their lives. Most feminists seem to conform to feminist stereotypes. I can usually pick out a feminist in a crowd of women. She'll usually have short hair, regular pants, a regular shirt, and an unbathed look; she'll look very much like a stereotypical guy. I think why a feminist might appear like this is to make a statement that "if men can do it and be accepted, then women should be able to".
Basically no one cares about feminsts! Its all in their head! History will always be "his" story never "her" story!
1) A group of feminazis are getting prepared to assassinate me!
2) If I die in thenext week, you know whom to blame!
Why do so many women insist on carrying out this war against men? Absolute gender equality isn't going to happen; we have gender equality now. Even if in a million years, men and women somehow made this unrealistic ideal happen, there will always be a sexual distinction between men and women causing some sort of inequality (if only on the level of basic physical needs). Or should I say women and men, as not to imply a male superiority? Why the hell should people go out of their way to be politically correct and use this "he/she" nonsense so a few chicks with language complexes won't be offended?
Who's to say what's offensive anyway? Just because a few feminist extremists think that something's offensive, does the whole society have to change their way of doing things? I don't want mother nature being called mother nature anymore, but rather father nature. I don't want ships to be referred to as female anymore, but rather male. The phrase "she's a good ship" offends me. I don't want liberty to be a lady. Why does it have to be lady liberty? Why do people say "she's beautiful" when referring to cars? Why not he? Who cares? It's just the way things have always been. It's not meant to be offensive, so why doesn't the offended party pull their head out of their ass, and stop bitching about it.
Feminism is in a lot of ways like fascism. Your average Fascist will disregard any scientific argument unless the conclusion supports his existing belief. The ideology comes first and the Fascist looks for anything to back it up, no matter how trivial, unreliable or discredited. Much like today's feminists and their ideology. Fascists attempt to rationalize their beliefs and portray them as truth by twisting the facts. A fascist might, for example, cast blame for unemployment and work discontent on immigrants "stealing" their jobs. Feminists similarly cast blame for women's lower average pay onto another party (men). Both feminists and fascists are quick to cast blame on someone else for anything that goes wrong in their lives. Most feminists seem to conform to feminist stereotypes. I can usually pick out a feminist in a crowd of women. She'll usually have short hair, regular pants, a regular shirt, and an unbathed look; she'll look very much like a stereotypical guy. I think why a feminist might appear like this is to make a statement that "if men can do it and be accepted, then women should be able to".
Basically no one cares about feminsts! Its all in their head! History will always be "his" story never "her" story!
1) A group of feminazis are getting prepared to assassinate me!
2) If I die in thenext week, you know whom to blame!
all apologizes r requested to be crammed in their respective holes!
We sweat and toil, burn the midnight oil,(ok i admit i study 2 days b4 the exam,ok ok....... 1 day) but still we do study like crazy and all the goddamn papers come totally unexpected. All day the sir's were lik aim sorry the paper came like crap...i didnt expect that! but its alrite i know u'll all clear it! WRONG FUCKHEAD!!!!! i wont clear it! i'll have 2 work my ass off again at the end of the sem. Man now they are like like refer these 15 text books of 8000 pages for this unit as unexpected questions might come like
1) What's my 4th wives cousins name?
2) Why does Network Theorey suck so bad?
3) Whats my shoe size?
So sick.....and we didnt even have proper vacations btw both the sem's, i mean if u call 'a' sunday as a proper vacation! You have no clue how badly i wanted to run up the stage and choke dat ass using his beard! Totaly stressed out! have 2 sleep! hems out!
THE THING I'VE LEARNT TODAY : Eternal damnation in hell is probably the next best thing to 100 minutes of NT lecture!
1) What's my 4th wives cousins name?
2) Why does Network Theorey suck so bad?
3) Whats my shoe size?
So sick.....and we didnt even have proper vacations btw both the sem's, i mean if u call 'a' sunday as a proper vacation! You have no clue how badly i wanted to run up the stage and choke dat ass using his beard! Totaly stressed out! have 2 sleep! hems out!
THE THING I'VE LEARNT TODAY : Eternal damnation in hell is probably the next best thing to 100 minutes of NT lecture!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Each day is boring than the last! 2 nd sem starts!
time flew......boom! Here aim in 2(2)! All the theory shit started 2day and it was boring as HOLY HELL! It was more hell as i didn't have a watch or my cell 2 constantly stare at the sec's hand ticking like hours and feelin miserable! Life was same as it was 2 months ago and though i felt relieved also felt sick! I mean i so knew dat ahead lies ages and ages of theoretical electronic bull crap! Sat in the last bench as usual occasionally punching my pal 4m time 2 time! We have 3 0f the 6 lecturers who taught us in 2(1), so we were all like " damn its the same bitch" and they were all like " damn its those lil bastards again"! Life goes on! Sat through the whole EE period where ma'm was going through what kind of relationship the amplifier shared with the resistors and how jealous the capacitors felt but they didnt know that the resistors were actually having an affair with the signal on so forth! Somehow by the miracle of time the period finally ended only 2 start with solid mechanics 4 the next 2 hours! I was lik shoutin " wut the fuck??? didnt we deal wit dat horrendous shit last year?OH MY GAWD KILL ME NOW!". As we all know god doesnt exist i didnt die and had 2 face that for another 2 hours! I DROOLED through the whole fucking period! Had dry shit 4 lunch which was ironically made by me! Was readin Jeffrey archer during the next few periods and finally got back home! My sanctuary where i can enjoy simpsons in peace! FYI the bastards are releasing the movie in june! Life couldnt get any worse! dats all 4 now.....totally sleepy ........have 2 catch up on my nightmares 4 today.......another fun filled exciting adventurous day awaiting tomorrow!
P.S. Iam going on a killing spree
Sunday, November 19, 2006
oNE LaST bREath!!!!

Have you heard this song? One last breath of creed? One of my favs!Wrokkin song! Always got this stuck in my head!You just gotta listen to it!
Is death the end? Are we running out of time? Am I all alone in the world? One Last Breath is a song reaching out, looking for answers. Let’s face it we are all going to die, but why are we so afraid of it? Why spend time dwelling on what’s ahead and instead make good use of what time we have left. The character featured on this epic song is facing death, looking back on life feeling alone. He’s running away, trying to hold onto life. His time has come, to move on which he must embrace, but not face alone. Then he realises that “Maybe six feet ain’t so far down.” Death is not the end. Now is a time for reflection, a time to predict his future. He makes his last cry “Hold me now I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking…” But he has now discovered the courage to step up to what he is destined for, death. He’d much rather face death with courage then scared and afraid. People look at him and take pity on his age, feeling sorry for him, but the main character feels otherwise. He refuses to just sit back and wait, but to make the most of the time he has left. He asks the people around him to stick it out with him and enjoy death together. “Sad eyes follow me, but I still believe there’s something left for me. So please come stay with me, cause I still believe there’s something left for you and me.”
jus chilling.........not really!

Two more exams to go and iam already tired! All my energy sucked out like a FAT gujurati sucking the last drop out of a coconut! Life's been a living HELL the past 2 months! Found out a lot of things about myself through horrible misey and pain! Just woke up and found out that i ran out of ketchup! See what i mean when i say life's hell! Gotta study for C and mechanics! SO hungry so weak! I seriously need to do something to keep my mind off things! Life's goin nowhere where! Only good thing going on in my life right now is the simpsons movie to be aired on monday! Jus waiting for that!
guess wut???????????? outta all the days i could create my blog iam finally doin it 2 days 4m my external exam!!!!!!!! thou shall remember this historic day!!!!!!! its 16:58 on nov 11th 2k6! and iam sittin on my butt wid my laptop in my dads office............jus felt lik startin the blog today and so i did!
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