Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Out of the 20 years of my life, i spent 16 of them in my old apartments before i moved out. All my memories sad one's good one's great one's , everything awesome, shit etc happened there and naturally ihave a deep emotional and sentimental attachment to it. After i moved out i still used to visit that place often. One day one of my neighbours while she was drying clothes in her balcony in the 2nd floor slipped and fell 2 storeys on the pavement and died on the spot. She was 56 years old. Her husband who was a very very very good family friend of ours was completely shocked and devasted. My mom my dad and my brother went to visit him and were with him that day and the next while i refused as i couldnt face him or more simply didnt want to deal with that fact. So after that incident which happened in sept 2006 i stopped completely visiting my apartments. On a flat above mine there lived a pomeraninan dog. It was there all my life. The owner was a friend of mine. Basically it became like a part of my childhood because i used to hang out on the terrace a lot and so did the dog.

Today night just an hour ago me and my friend visited the old place just for fun and i went to the usual place to see what was the dog upto cause its beena really long long time and i found out that it died 5 months ago. Something stabbed through my soul deeply as i lost something very precious of my childhood. As someone was cleaning up my entire memories one by one. Sweeping it clean. All i could say was "what"? Guess i'm a person who doesn't let go of the past and i need to learn.

You would know what i meant if you could relate yourself to something very close to you during childhood and then suddenly its gone along with some of your memories. I was in a complete shock and i still am. I dont know why i'm writing this and i dont care all i want to do is remember. When you have certain things you cherish it, when that precious thing is gone you remember it.