Project Decomposition started off at 1:15 Am on 30th feb.
I had nothing to do so today i officially started my long time fascination with decomposing songs. A note though. If you never heard these songs before do listen to them understand the lyrics and then read the following if you really wanna feel the punch line! And for all who do know there's more to come people this is just a warm up! Make no mistake i love some of these songs. Just having fun. Enjoy!
Song : Here I am
Here I am - this is me
There's no where else on earth I'd rather pee
Here I am - it's just me and you
And tonight we make an ugly baby or two
It's a new world - it's a new start
It's New Mexico and it’s a 3rd world nation yaar
It's a new day - it's a new plan
I've been waiting for an hour
Here I am
Here we are - we've just begun
And after all this time – I cant get her trouser button undone
Ya here we are - still goin' strong
Right here in her dads apartment underground
Here I am - next to you
And your dad is lying between me and you
Here I am - where I'm gonna stay
Now I gotta pay rent and wash his underwear
Here I am - this is me
Song : In The End
(It starts with)
One thing I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how much you eat French fries
Keep that in mind I designed this rhymeTo explain in due time
All I know
Toilet paper is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as some fat guy cleans his thing
Watch him wipe it till the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It’s so unreal
Didn’t look down the shit hole
Watching him fling the crap from his hole
Trying to hold on but didn’t even know
Wasted it all just to
Watch a punk clean his bum
I kept everything inside and even though I tried it all exploded out
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried TO FART
And it got so sharp
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fart
To start it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
One thing I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how much you love fries
Keep that in mind I designed this diet
To remind myself how
Hippos are so godamn fat
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your fat auntie
Remembering all the times you ate with me
I’m surprised you got so fat
Things aren’t the way they were before
My ass cant fit on this toilet seat anymore
Not that it did when I was 400 pounds
But it all comes back to me
In the end
You kept everything inside and even though I tried it all exploded out
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I had TO FART
And it sounded so harsh
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I had to pass gas
To free my ass
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I've put my shit in you
Pushed as hard as I can go
For all this
There’s only one thing you should know
I tried so hard
And you haven’t flushed the crap so far
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
Monday, January 29, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Its amazing what your mind can think about when you're lonely sitting in your bedroom and staring at the ceiling. You wouldn't believe half the stuff that crept into my mind. I was supposed to be asleep with the sinus block and a damn pricking headache. I slept like the whole day and couldn't sleep any more. I was so dazed out and for a moment didnt know where i was. Just laying on the bed all kinds of thoughts flew while my mind was like an open door. Forget it. I had no door at all. No control on my thoughts whatsoever. I wanted it to stop but couldn't. I didnt know what time it was. Whether it was still 6 in the morning or 12 in the noon. didn't care. Any moment i was expecting my mom to barge inside my room shouting how crappy my bedroom gets every week. It's as clean as an empty room on every monday and by saturday its as messy as afganisthan. To my suprise i didnt hear anybody and frankly after a lot of time i liked all the silence. So i just lay there letting my brain go crazy. You wouldn't believe the random thoughts i had. I just wanted to sleep more. I dont know if it was a dream that i had, or whether an idea but i was hoping when i would wake up i'did be on the shore of a beautiful beach with sparkling sand,not a rainy cloud in the sky and soft pebbles and crystal blue water with not a soul in sight and the sea as far as the eye could see. Just me, only me and no one else.I could lay there looking at the sun dip and rise out of the sea for ever.
Nothing mattered at that point. I was a guy with not a care in the world. Imaganing that i was relaxed and happy for a moment. This little hallucinated dream i had made me think when i was momentarily happy the last time? It was when my mom and dad were shopping at food world. It was chilly as hell around 12c and it was windy. I finished dumping all the groceries in the trunk of my car except one. we were driving back to the house when dad kept the heater on, i held in my hand a snickers bar. I took a big bite out of it and heard my self say " life's sweet". That was 2 years ago. I was suprised that i could still remember that.
Every one of my friends whom i either text message on the mobile or i chat with on the internet had only one word to say " Bored". I'm so sick of that word hearing it come out of my mouth and everybody else's every min of every hour of every day. Its lame but i'm slowly getting used to being bored. Life's just not interesting anymore. You can argue and speculate all you want. If your thinking of giving me a lecture on how its not and how to appreciate life.Please do keep that kind of shit to yourself. You're not fooling anybody. I began to wonder when was the last time i felt alive? No! i'm not depressed, i'm not sad, i'm not miserable, i'm not on a road to self destruction or psychopathic pattern. I'm Just Wondering. May be it's time you wondered too? When was the last time you felt alive?C'mon people it wouldn't hurt you to answer my question. I did really like to know.

Every one of my friends whom i either text message on the mobile or i chat with on the internet had only one word to say " Bored". I'm so sick of that word hearing it come out of my mouth and everybody else's every min of every hour of every day. Its lame but i'm slowly getting used to being bored. Life's just not interesting anymore. You can argue and speculate all you want. If your thinking of giving me a lecture on how its not and how to appreciate life.Please do keep that kind of shit to yourself. You're not fooling anybody. I began to wonder when was the last time i felt alive? No! i'm not depressed, i'm not sad, i'm not miserable, i'm not on a road to self destruction or psychopathic pattern. I'm Just Wondering. May be it's time you wondered too? When was the last time you felt alive?C'mon people it wouldn't hurt you to answer my question. I did really like to know.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
zoo = diseased animals and people. Just like my life!
My first post this year. I should have known better when the new year starts there’ll be hell to pay with the results out and everything. It keeps getting better and better, like an alloy of new shit and old shit. Before I say anything, let me start of with this saying
“ when everything’s going your way, you’re in the wrong lane”!
Me and pangavani got so depressed, dejected, miserable and quite simply bored that we arranged to meet somewhere and just climb a bus and see where it goes. So being a festival today I didn’t care just woke up at 10 and got out of the house by 1230. This is the actual phone conversation as far as I can remember it, this is how it went
Karthik : Hey man. Aim totally bored and depressed. Just have to get out of the house.
Me : Yeah. I feel like shit. Cant stay in this hole anymore. Hey dude listen up I have a GREAT plan.
Karthik : what?
Me : How about we meet around 12:30 and
Karthik : And…………..( with unsurpassable excitement as if I just told him that I found the holy grail’s whereabouts)
Me : We’ll go to the Zoo! ( with extreme content)
Karthik : ???………( super sense of shock setting in) !@#$%^&*()_+{}:”>? ( a couple of minutes of swearing and he finally agrees)
I swear to you, today I climbed almost 16 to 17 buses. We first went to koti and then took a bus to ( I really don’t know where that bus goes but the zoo’s in the middle) and stop at the zoo. Now, at this point I choose the zoo park as I wanted to get away from all the city’s people and all the bull shit and was kind of hoping there wouldn’t be much people. Basically I wanted to run away from everything for a lil while and he felt the same too.
To my utter dismay there lay thousands of people. Endless lines and hurdes of small, stinky, smelly, shouting kids, high on sugar and sweets, dancing and prancing all around the fucking place as if the world is their play ground! All of them wearing fake plastic 5 bucks ke shades and their parents wearing one of those “99 bucks imported sun glasses” stores you see on every main road these days. I thought to myself “ Like parents like kids”. Then it hit me “ it’s a Sunday”. Karthik looked at me like he wanted to kill me. His exact words were “ what the fuck is with these kids, don’t they have school? I hate you man!!!”
We get inside the zoo. The aquarium was closed and sealed maybe cause all the fish are dead due to swimming all the time or may be cause the the zoo guys used tank bund's water for the aquarium. Then we saw the tortoises. I loved them. Lazy, fat, huge, over 150 years old. Then we got to the monkeys. They were all forced in a crappy tiny island about 40 feet in radius. Then I actually saw the red butt baboons mating! The funniest thing I have seen this year. Had two pepsi’s and 5 oil samosas for lunch and pointing to the small train that tours the entire zoo and started laughing and abusing all aboard the train. At one point we were so lost that we had to call a friend in chennai to find out where the food courts were!
I just wanted to get away today. Don’t know why but felt so lost and so alone. It feels like we are going no where in life.I’ll admit that I was very depressed. I knew that if i didnt go anywhere, it would have adverse and profound implications on my life today.
We just talked most of the time and joked for a little while. Then we started receiving threatening calls from our dads and we had to leave.
The things I have witnessed :
1) A parent helping her 3 year old kid shit right near the “ parrots cage”
2) People throwing bread crums and rocks to agitate the white tiger.
3) People trying to feed the monkeys even though there was explicitly a sign stating “ DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS”. Bunch of fucking redneck retards is all I can say.
4) Baboons humping and acting horny.
5) Rhinos and hippo’s conspiring and calculating the enough velocity and acceleration required to jump off the railing and go on a murder rampage.
6) Tons and tons of children screaming and crying and asking for their mommies to carry them.
7) A bunch of school idiots who came all the way from dilshuknagar to the zoo just to play cricket and they bought only one ball that fell into the alligators enclosure.
8) More and more kids creaming their ass off! I HATE KIDS!
9) A bunch of really sick lions with the words “ please kill me and stop the suffering” literally written on their foreheads. Poor things looked very diseased.
10) Wherever there were food courts there were toilets attached right next to them. Its like “ Eat here, shit there!”
“ when everything’s going your way, you’re in the wrong lane”!
Me and pangavani got so depressed, dejected, miserable and quite simply bored that we arranged to meet somewhere and just climb a bus and see where it goes. So being a festival today I didn’t care just woke up at 10 and got out of the house by 1230. This is the actual phone conversation as far as I can remember it, this is how it went
Karthik : Hey man. Aim totally bored and depressed. Just have to get out of the house.
Me : Yeah. I feel like shit. Cant stay in this hole anymore. Hey dude listen up I have a GREAT plan.
Karthik : what?
Me : How about we meet around 12:30 and
Karthik : And…………..( with unsurpassable excitement as if I just told him that I found the holy grail’s whereabouts)
Me : We’ll go to the Zoo! ( with extreme content)
Karthik : ???………( super sense of shock setting in) !@#$%^&*()_+{}:”>? ( a couple of minutes of swearing and he finally agrees)
I swear to you, today I climbed almost 16 to 17 buses. We first went to koti and then took a bus to ( I really don’t know where that bus goes but the zoo’s in the middle) and stop at the zoo. Now, at this point I choose the zoo park as I wanted to get away from all the city’s people and all the bull shit and was kind of hoping there wouldn’t be much people. Basically I wanted to run away from everything for a lil while and he felt the same too.
To my utter dismay there lay thousands of people. Endless lines and hurdes of small, stinky, smelly, shouting kids, high on sugar and sweets, dancing and prancing all around the fucking place as if the world is their play ground! All of them wearing fake plastic 5 bucks ke shades and their parents wearing one of those “99 bucks imported sun glasses” stores you see on every main road these days. I thought to myself “ Like parents like kids”. Then it hit me “ it’s a Sunday”. Karthik looked at me like he wanted to kill me. His exact words were “ what the fuck is with these kids, don’t they have school? I hate you man!!!”
We get inside the zoo. The aquarium was closed and sealed maybe cause all the fish are dead due to swimming all the time or may be cause the the zoo guys used tank bund's water for the aquarium. Then we saw the tortoises. I loved them. Lazy, fat, huge, over 150 years old. Then we got to the monkeys. They were all forced in a crappy tiny island about 40 feet in radius. Then I actually saw the red butt baboons mating! The funniest thing I have seen this year. Had two pepsi’s and 5 oil samosas for lunch and pointing to the small train that tours the entire zoo and started laughing and abusing all aboard the train. At one point we were so lost that we had to call a friend in chennai to find out where the food courts were!
I just wanted to get away today. Don’t know why but felt so lost and so alone. It feels like we are going no where in life.I’ll admit that I was very depressed. I knew that if i didnt go anywhere, it would have adverse and profound implications on my life today.
We just talked most of the time and joked for a little while. Then we started receiving threatening calls from our dads and we had to leave.
The things I have witnessed :
1) A parent helping her 3 year old kid shit right near the “ parrots cage”
2) People throwing bread crums and rocks to agitate the white tiger.
3) People trying to feed the monkeys even though there was explicitly a sign stating “ DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS”. Bunch of fucking redneck retards is all I can say.
4) Baboons humping and acting horny.
5) Rhinos and hippo’s conspiring and calculating the enough velocity and acceleration required to jump off the railing and go on a murder rampage.
6) Tons and tons of children screaming and crying and asking for their mommies to carry them.
7) A bunch of school idiots who came all the way from dilshuknagar to the zoo just to play cricket and they bought only one ball that fell into the alligators enclosure.
8) More and more kids creaming their ass off! I HATE KIDS!
9) A bunch of really sick lions with the words “ please kill me and stop the suffering” literally written on their foreheads. Poor things looked very diseased.
10) Wherever there were food courts there were toilets attached right next to them. Its like “ Eat here, shit there!”
The ant and the grasshopper!
I got this in a fwd mail. Its so damn true and i hade to paste it here. Enjoy!
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summerlong building his houseand laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopperthinks the ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away. Comewinter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food orshelter so he dies out inthe cold.
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summerlong, building his houseand laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopperthinks the ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away. Comewinter, the shiveringgrasshopper calls a press conference and demands toknow why the ant shouldbe allowed to be warm and well fed while others arecold and starving. NDTV, BBC, CNN show up to provide pictures of theshivering grasshopper nextto a video of the ant in his comfortable home with atable filled with food.The World is stunned by the sharp contrast. How canthis be that this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?Arundhati Roy stages a demonstration in front of theant's house. MedhaPatkar goes on a fast along with other grasshoppersdemanding thatgrasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates duringwinter. Amnesty International and Koffi Annan criticize the IndianGovernment for notupholding the fundamental rights of the grasshopper.The Internet is floodedwith online petitions seeking support to thegrasshopper (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support asagainst the wrath of Godfor non-compliance). Opposition MP's stage awalkout.Left parties call for"Bharat Bandh" in West Bengal and Kerala demanding aJudicial Enquiry.CPM inKerala immediately passes a law preventing Ants fromworking hard in theheat so as to bring about equality of poverty amongants and grasshoppers.Lalu Prasad allocates one free coach to Grasshopperson all Indian Railway Trains, aptly named as the 'Grasshopper Rath'.Finally, the Judicial Committee drafts the Preventionof Terrorism AgainstGrasshoppers Act [POTAGA]", with effect from thebeginning of the winter. Arjun Singh makes Special Reservation for GrassHopper in educationalInsititutions & in Govt Services.The ant is fined for failing to comply with POTAGAand, having nothing leftto pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscatedby the Government and handed over to the grasshopper in a ceremony coveredby NDTV.Arundhati Roy calls it "a triumph of justice". Lalucalls it 'SocialisticJustice'. CPM calls it the 'revolutionary resurgenceof the downtrodden' Koffi Annan invites the grasshopper to address the UNGeneral Assembly. *Many years later...The ant has since migrated to theUS and set up a multibillion dollar company in silicon valley.100s ofgrasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in India**... **As a result loosing lot of hard working ants andfeeding the grasshoppersIndia is still a developing country......*
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summerlong building his houseand laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopperthinks the ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away. Comewinter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food orshelter so he dies out inthe cold.
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summerlong, building his houseand laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopperthinks the ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away. Comewinter, the shiveringgrasshopper calls a press conference and demands toknow why the ant shouldbe allowed to be warm and well fed while others arecold and starving. NDTV, BBC, CNN show up to provide pictures of theshivering grasshopper nextto a video of the ant in his comfortable home with atable filled with food.The World is stunned by the sharp contrast. How canthis be that this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?Arundhati Roy stages a demonstration in front of theant's house. MedhaPatkar goes on a fast along with other grasshoppersdemanding thatgrasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates duringwinter. Amnesty International and Koffi Annan criticize the IndianGovernment for notupholding the fundamental rights of the grasshopper.The Internet is floodedwith online petitions seeking support to thegrasshopper (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support asagainst the wrath of Godfor non-compliance). Opposition MP's stage awalkout.Left parties call for"Bharat Bandh" in West Bengal and Kerala demanding aJudicial Enquiry.CPM inKerala immediately passes a law preventing Ants fromworking hard in theheat so as to bring about equality of poverty amongants and grasshoppers.Lalu Prasad allocates one free coach to Grasshopperson all Indian Railway Trains, aptly named as the 'Grasshopper Rath'.Finally, the Judicial Committee drafts the Preventionof Terrorism AgainstGrasshoppers Act [POTAGA]", with effect from thebeginning of the winter. Arjun Singh makes Special Reservation for GrassHopper in educationalInsititutions & in Govt Services.The ant is fined for failing to comply with POTAGAand, having nothing leftto pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscatedby the Government and handed over to the grasshopper in a ceremony coveredby NDTV.Arundhati Roy calls it "a triumph of justice". Lalucalls it 'SocialisticJustice'. CPM calls it the 'revolutionary resurgenceof the downtrodden' Koffi Annan invites the grasshopper to address the UNGeneral Assembly. *Many years later...The ant has since migrated to theUS and set up a multibillion dollar company in silicon valley.100s ofgrasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in India**... **As a result loosing lot of hard working ants andfeeding the grasshoppersIndia is still a developing country......*
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