Hola ppl! Its been roughly 3 months since i posted anything here. so here iam. Ill give u a low down on what happened the past 3 months. exams came exams came exams came exams came , exams goin on and on and on and on and on and the heatwave followed like a stick up its rectum! But then something happened. something that i thought was impssible but it happened anyway. Exams were over and so was the heatwave. HOLY VISHNU! it was actually getting pleasent day by day. Like somebody removed two gigantic needles from eyes. Fell a lot better now!
Tried for visa for the United States of Yamerica. Didnt get it. the white bitch that interviewed me probably thought i was a terrorist r someting but her lame excuse was ' I'm sorry sir but we arent sure you have strong ties to return back to you'r country" and handed a potential immmigrant and denial paper!
WOW i just have a few things to say about that:
1) 1stly BITCH plz ACTUALLY look at my credientials for once.
2) Nobody's timing you'r interview nor is the list going to the Guinness book of records. Take more than 30 sec to finish it.

Thats that. Chennai was horrible. All the precious 2 and half kilos i gained so painfully over the summer wasted in 2 hours of standing inline and sweating it out.
NOTE TO SELF : If ever a job offered in chennai DONOT TAKE IT!
Got back home. Downloading movies faster than i can even watch them. Thats about it bascially. Life's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!
Coll starts in another 25 days. Our class will be comprimised of our New classmates(assholes) old classmates ( old assholes) and new psychotic lectureres ( even bigger assholes) and the princi (stupid asshole) and of course probably a new class. Cant wait to go( Big fat stupid lie).
Watched spidy 3 yest. So how many ppl kno that spiderman is really peter parker. What are they stupid???? why cant they release it in the news? Well either way toby had a good time jumping from place to place like a donkey kssing hot HOT women upside down. Way 2 go u mutant freak!

Same with superman. He puts on his glasses and wears his lingerie on the inside PRESTo he's clark. He wears it outside and removes his +10 sight glasses presto superman! Just simply amazing!

As usual politicians are stealing their asses off. Then they borrow stuff from world bank to keep the place together. Which they pay off the loan by increasing taxes. Which we pay. And round and round it goes.
Well the movies i did recomennd to watch are Blood Diamond( black dude's acting is awesome), Apolcalypto(thank god mel didnt involve jesus in this one. pretty good), An Inconvenient Truth( doc by AL gore former prez), and two more on my list a pursuit of happiness. still yet 2 catch that one and DIE HARD 4 live far or die hard or somethin. LOTSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOF explosives. FYI dont watch Next movie by nicolas cage. SUcks ass!
And for all you spidy freaks out there here is the real proof that spidy is indeed gay! check out the link http://www.gophergas.com/funstuff/spidergay.htm
AWESOME!!!!!!!!....ROTFL..ONe more reason that biatch needs to llok into...NOT GOOD TIES??? FOR crying out loud....ur WHOLE FAMILY IS HERE!!! YOU R INT HE MIDDLE OF UR ENGG COURSE!!!!.....well...SHIT HAPPENS!!!!
hey dude...like your sense of humor...vinay here. Swear a lot more.
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