I guess i practically slept all day or what but its 1030 now and i'm not gettin a dime of sleep. Was counting sheep till i reached 2,312 and realized theres no point. So here iam as usual on the pc. Drained all the battery of my ipod. Ears cant take it anymore. Ate two choc cone icecreams. Gonna have the third one now. Just in a flash the entire sunday was over. Just in a flash. I guess what a holiday for me is to simply do nothing productive and do absolutely nothing at all. Just waste the entire day in doing nothingness.

So i wonder why is one friggin day a holiday in an entire week. Now we all feel when we have school or college we badly look forward for a holiday or a weekend or somethin and when that finally arrives we are so damn bored we just want the school or college to start as soon as possible, unless you're alice in wonderland having incredible fun with a talking rabbit and going through holes in your garden with a wild fucked up imagination!
Sunday is the Sabbath day, as per the Bible. God after toiling for six days in creation of the universe, rested on the seventh day. Starting from Monday, the seventh day falls on Sunday. Since God rested on Sunday, it came to be recognised as a Sabbath day, when we are not supposed to work, following the example of God. So, WOW. Sunday is a day when god rested after he was tired creating the universe. 6 days for creating the universe. Hmmmmmmmmm................and we thought the universe is 6 billion light years in width and 17 billion light years in length.
So in all that lots and lots and lots of space dust and galaxies and donuts and what not( i like to think that at least half the universe is made up of chocolate donuts and since no one can prove me right or wrong i'll be sticking to that), so in that humongous huge holy shit oh my god dats big universe. What in the name of fuck are we??????
Little little tiny insignificant species who dont matter jack squat or amount to anything. That doesnt mean you starting looting everyone and create chaos. Its just that if you actually put some thought into this you will literally go crazy. You'r thoughts are so very true yet you refuse to believe it and thus you are successfully on the road to crazyville.
And believe me when i say this i'm just talking way above my head here as i have nothing better to do then pen my thoughts on this blog cause its my blog and ill do whatever the hell i want and if you dont like it there's always a good balaji soap playin in star plus.
i know what you're thinking and yes you are totally right but what you dont realize is i dont care and i'm practically always full of it.
Ok i'm going to try this little exercise and ill type everything i did since morning. Lets evaluate...
1) I woke up on the floor mat on the living room with a james hadely chase novel, my ipod and the laptop and i realized why i was sleeping in the living room cause i dont have a bedroom anymore. Namesake( frankly i couldnt care less)
2) Woke up, and what is the first thing i do instead of brushing my teeth??? I switch on the pc and play a java game till my mouth stinks so bad and i need coffee and i have to brush so i run back to the living room grab the ipod put it on and then start brushing to the tunes of RHCP.
3) I drank coffee and got the papers and was frantically search for the cartoon column(gimme a break its a sunday i dont care for events around the world i just wanna smile early in the morning)
4) Then i go house hunting with my dad in the remote parts at the edge of the city. reason i accompanied him only cause he would probably let me drive his ikon and so he does. BUt there is a big catch. When i drive with my dad by my side the speedometer almost has to absolutely stay below 20. ALWAYS. So here i was drivin at 2km per hour and feeling the speedometer cursing me while tortoses on the road beat me to the crossing while ridiculing me while i go " dad 4 the love of all that is natural and wonderful c'mon i'm in 2nd gear at 2km phour HAVE MERCY"
All of a sudden there's a scorpio a mile away.
5) Here's the deal , a staright 5 km fucking road and im drivin slower than a snail and a scorpio is coming towards me from a mile away and my dad goes "STOPPPPPPPPPPPP! what the fuck is wrong with you???? You almost hit that other car on the road. You're crazy man. CRAZY i tell ya". Then after 22 min of a super duper lecture on how much you can torture you'r car by driving below zero speeds , the scorpio finally passes us with a safe distance of 10 feet. I was like WOW. Thats all i could say. Without my dad in the next seat driving is a breeze. With him i have no words to describe. I come back home and do chores for an hour.
6) Then i accidentally break a glass bottle full of mirchi which sets off my mom for an hour. I eat then i went to bed. Woke up at 445. A buddy came dropped off the new family guy season 6 dvd. Had some chicken snack then came back home then i vaguely remember anything at all and here iam typin away at 11 in the night. I know for sure i'm going to bunk tomorrow and watch the new simpsons movie.
7) Two disgusting fat lizards are making sweet sweet love on my fridge which i rudely interrupted for my ice cream. The night security guard who's supposed to protect us from murderers and rapists and thieves all night is sleepin like a rock. Dont care.
8)Huge bats with a 3 feet wing span are flying all over my ass on the terrace shitting their precious shit all over the place. Here's an interesting fact my 1st year physics sir was kind enough to share with us during our ultrasonics class, bats apparently eat and shit from their mouth and they dont have any assholes. Eat and crap from the same place. SO here's my rhetorical question. What would you call a bat's poo? (a) shit or crap (b) Vomit or puke.............???????????????????
think about that for a moment.....
dat was indeed quiet a random post. but i lk ur writing style.
great writing style..
and i dont really wanna think bout bat's poo.. :D..
sarcastically funny :)
lol ... funny how things remain the same even after 6 months ... Life's getting pretty exciting isnt it ...
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