Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oh my god. I'm leading such a damn random life that i realize feb has only 28 days not 31 as usual month does. Stupid feb with only 28 days. Why the hell did they discriminate feb only? Needless to say i was shocked when i heard it was march lost 3 days without a warning. I totally lost track of date and time. And its gettin hot day by day. Its so hot that i rather microwave my face every 20 min so it beats the radiation coming 4m the sun. This is what my life is now. I wake up at 7(nowadays) then go to coll in a HELLHOLE bus crowded with assholes and your head could be near the driver while your ass would end up at the back of the bus magically. Dont ask me how thats possible. In RTC buses anything is possible. So i stand the whole 8kms. FUCKING FUCKING huge traffic jams blowing smoke directly into my lungs(reason y i didnt start smoking cause there's plenty of that coming for free). Eyes burn throat aches, legs ache an occasional asswipe sneezes right in your eye and some guy directly shoots his armpit stench 4m his shirt into my nose all the way till college. All this with the sun shinning brightly. Then i reach a bus stop 15 min away from the coll gate so i walk on the main road. To my left is a cremetary and to my right is also a cremetary and a bunch of food stalls and in the middle its me and the traffic. Yet i walk like a man lost in a burning desert with the will to survive and move on. Reach my class sir/ma'm yells " get the fuck out or i'll throw u out". So i loose 2 periods attendance the next period the sir yells 4 no reason. Lunch comes and everybody's a godamn scavenger hyenas tearing the food apart. Got no energy left to walk till the canteen so jus wade it out and the 3 period starts. Electronics usually so i'm sleepy with all the heat and prespiration. I beg water from my classmates and they show me the finger half the time. then the last period ends with a lot of yawning and drooling and cursing. With occassional shit that happens in coll daily just makes it more worse. Then comes the long journey back home at 4. The ALL MIGHTY BRIGHT SUN WITH ALL ITS PENENTRATING RADIATION shines upon me with all its glory and i curse it all along the 15 min walk to the bus stop. Then i climb another jacked off bus full of people and their overwhelming sweat at which point my nose stops working and all the nerve senses in my nostrils shutdown. All the pain senses also shutdown and i become numb with the 1hour 20 min tiring shitty shitty shitty ride back to my place where i come home and just fall down on my couch and watch tv till my parents arrive and shout at me for throwing my shoes here and there. I take a cold shower then just have some dinner and go to bed. SO in conclusion i did like to say SUMMER SUCKZ ASS! I HATE SUMMER! I HATE THE DAMN SUN! BLOODY GIANT GAS BALL ON FIRE!
Its been a while since i put up a post. Here's what happened in the past twenty days in a nut shell. Exams came and went. As usual my over hyped total bullshit totally sold me out and i ended up gettin 5's and 6's out of 20. But so did many many other people from my class which made me a little happy. Apparently our Electrical Machines ma'm still doesn't know when to get out of the " quit being a bitch phase" and let me correct the papers liberally phase. So we get our marks. We frown for some time. The same old crap so continues the cycle of karma( what you do in the past semester really effects you in this one).

Valentine's came and went. Hey didnt that guy valentine die with his love? and we celebrate that day. What a bunch of cruel heartless savages are we?
Anyways i had a nice romantic dinner with some one really special that day. She's really hot. And she's sweet also. I'm not kidding thats what it says on her label. KISSAN tomato ketchup : Hot & Sweet. After that there was a line of holidays which i dont remember at all. Totally blank! Then same ol shit till the month slowly dragged its ass all the way to 25th feb.

Oh yea one more important thing. I got glasses. Yup. Thought i would never wear them and my eyes were super human in nature but sadly god deprived me of this super awesome power. Why god why? Why? Now it looks like an underwear for my head! Well atleast i'm not blind.

Well just had another weekend in misery and boredom. Monday again tomorrow. Why cant we all just live on the bora bora islands??? why cant we all be married to drew barrymore? why cant we all own a Bentley Continental GT car??? why cant the week follow as sunday, sunday, sunday tuesday, sunday, saturday, sunday, sunday, sunday? Why is koffee with karan such a gay gay show??? why is karan johar such a homo? One thing is for damn sure whoever said life is short is a drunken jackass as i came to life is the only bloody longest thing you'll ever do.

Hence every morning i start my day with Metallica's 4 horsemen then moving up2 megadeath and then coldplay. Make's your whole day worthwhile. Then catching up on some simpsons and heroes episodes basically raps it up. Guess ill go sleep now. Me and a couple of buddies spent all night playin gofish. Hems out.